The Seasons of Man

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The Seasons of Man


Again, I wish to speak to you about the times we are in and the Season of Man ending, not far now. The die has been cast. We are in it now. A well-worn Path is hidden from view. Broad is the gate for the clever unaware masses. Awareness and discernment may be too late.

Numerous false ones are present and leading seekers of Truth down a dimly lit path. Blinded by their ego, the smallest shaft of light seems like the blazing Source-Sun beckoning them forward. But alas, no. The false light lies. Like the Siren singing, a false-trance melody lures body and ships to rocky ledges, smashing them to bits. Their wicked call leads to un-evolved doom.

Take heed beloved folks. Be forewarned. The Dwindling Embers of Enlightenment are but a hair’s breadth from going out. The Wisdom Keepers Rise and give Life to the dying. With Divine Breath, whispered Truth takes hold and a blazing Fire rekindled in the Soul of the True Seeker.

Rise they shall. Many will. Many cannot.


– Jozef